Defining Humility

Humility is one of those interesting virtues that everyone values, but few possess. Or, at least they don't possess as much of it as they want. Even the most prideful person around will likely say how much they admire humility and boast of how humble they are.

Scripture warns of pride many times.

Proverbs 16:5 - "The Lord detests all the proud of heart"
Proverbs 11:2 - "When pride comes, then comes disgrace,but with humility comes wisdom.

Romans 12:16 - "Do not be proud ... "
Pride, however, thrives in our culture. It's a substantial temptation for anyone preparing for a job interview, filling out a school application, or even trying to make new friends. But in addition to the temptation of pride, I also think a huge concern is that humility is very poorly understood by the church, at least among the younger members. The most common definition (or at least application) or humility I've noticed is to refuse compliments and put yourself down.

Does this sound familiar?

Person A: "You're really smart!"
Person B: "Not really, I'm quite dumb actually."

Person A: "I wish I could play the piano as good as you."
Person B: "No, I suck at the piano."

This isn't the biblical definition of humility. In fact, person B might be "fishing for compliments" which is a deceptive form of pride. Pride and deception... a double-whammy sin. We've all been person B.

Here's a short excerpt on this subject from a older blog I used to write, discussing Luke 1:1-25.
In verse 25, Elizabeth acknowledges that her blessing is from God. She trusts in Himand doesn't credit this gift to luck or her own works. Not only does shegive God credit for doing that great thing for her, but she also saysthat He has shown her favor, meaning that she acknowledges God as aloving God who does good things. She says that He has taken away herdisgrace. She confesses that the disgrace is hers, yet God is the onewho removes it. This again shows God's love and favor and ability toheal and forgive. Not only was the disgrace taken away to benefitElizabeth, but also to glorify God, because the child she would bearwould bring people to God (see Luke 1:16).

In our own lives, we should thank God forwhat He has done. Daily reminding ourselves that what we haveis not from ourselves, but from God. We should remember His favor and thankHim for it. Also, We should remember that God has taken away our disgraceand healed us of sin. He has done this for my benefit, and alsofor His glory.
The point is not that we must refuse compliments, but re-direct them to where they belong. You are good at certain things because God has created you to be good at them! Acknowledge the blessings and gifts we've received, but also acknowledge the giver of those gifts. You shouldn't call yourself dumb if you're actually smart, because God has created your intelligence. You shouldn't put down your musical abilities if you are skilled in that area, because God has given you that ability. Disowning or degrading the gifts God has given you is insulting His creation. So welcome your gifts, just make sure the credit is given to the One is belongs.


Heather said...

I really enjoyed reading your perspective on this. Being humble is not always easy. "Not to us, but to Your name, be the glory".

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