Running The Race: Start Line

This coming Sunday is the 83rd annual Tely 10 Road Race here in St. John's. It's the biggest road race in Atlantic Canada and one of the oldest in North America. I'll be running that race again this year, so it got me thinking about how many times the Bible compares our lives in Christ with a race. The next few days I'll share some thoughts on different aspects of the race and how that compares to a physical running race.

Hebrews 12:1 - "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."

Let's start at the start. The start line, I mean. The most anxious moments of a race might be standing at the start line waiting for the gun to go off. But it's also an exciting time. Whether you're the guy at the front of the line hoping to win the race or an inexperienced runner who's just out for some fun, the start line is fun. It's exciting. Everyone's chatty and friendly. You haven't broken a sweat yet. The race hasn't gotten difficult yet.

Our Christian lives start in a very similar way. When you first come to know Christ and receive Him as your savior, it's a very exciting time. You feel your sin lifted away. You experience the presence of your Creator perhaps for the first time. Everyone around you is also excited, chatty and friendly towards you, celebrating your new life with you. You'll be itching to get going in this new life with Christ, hungry to pray and devour as much scripture as possible. When you're at the start, it's easy to feel that fire for God. This is a great time—enjoy it and savour it. Because just like a running race, you haven't broken a sweat yet. The race hasn't gotten difficult yet.

If you're in a "start line" season of life, rejoice in it! God is blessing you with a very special time, and you should take full advantage of that. Seek God as passionately as you can and allow Him to move in every aspect of your life. Jesus promises that it will get more difficult, but for the time being, enjoy where you are.

Psalm 118:24- "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."


Heather said...

Awesome comparison! Can't wait to hear more.

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