Blessed are the Hungry

Earlier in the summer, I met up with a friend for coffee and a chat. She was struggling with some spiritual stuff at the time involving seeking God. Sometimes we can feel like we're chasing after God but can't quite seem to catch Him. This can get frustrating after a while, which is where she was.

We talked and prayed over a few passages of scripture, and God began to give some insight and encouragement. In the midst of her frustration, we came to realize that she is actually incredibly blessed.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. - Matthew 5:6

Jesus had a habit of turning our way of thinking upside down: the last will be first, the servant is the greatest, and the hungry are blessed. Though all of these things are contrary to our normal way of thinking, they are all very true in God's kingdom.

When people are hungry, they search for food. The more hungry someone is, the more desperately they search. They will go where ever they need to go, and do whatever they need to do. They aren't distracted by other things. Those who are spiritually hungry, likewise, will stop at nothing to search for God. They won't give up when Satan put obstacles in their way, they won't settle for the lukewarmness of the average church-goer, and they won't be satisfied with only a little bit of godliness. They won't be distracted by the meaningless things of this world. They want a feast of God! In this sense, these people are truly blessed.

Personally I find myself the most spiritually off-track during times when I am least hungry for God. It is only after times of solitude and prayer when I ask God to restore my hunger that I find myself eagerly back on The Way.

The laborer's appetite works for him; his hunger drives him on. - Proverbs 16:26

Satan loves to discourage. When things get difficult or God seems distant, it's easy to give up. But as proverbs 16:26 tells us, our appetite works for us. You don't give up looking for food just because you're discouraged. Nor do the hungry stop looking for God just because Satan pushes them down. They just get back up, and continue searching. And because God is a loving Father who wants to be found and experienced, He will not stay hidden for long. In His sovereignty, He may choose to make His presence difficult to feel for a certain length of time. But "those who seek will find" (Matthew 7:7). God will eventually reveal Himself to those who eagerly seek Him. And He will reveal Himself abundantly.

The righteous eat to their hearts' content... - Proverbs 13:25

 For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. - Psalm 107:9

As the Psalm above says, God "satisfies". He doesn't just drop by for a bit and leave us wanting more. He's a God of abundance who gives us more than we need, making us overflow with blessings.

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.- Luke 6:21

For someone struggling in their spiritual life, it's difficult to "force" yourself to be more godly. You can't fake it with God, He knows the heart. But He is always ready to help. I would encourage anyone struggling with this to pray for spiritual hunger. Ask God to increase your desire for His Word and His presence. When God grants you a true craving for Him, you are blessed beyond anything you could imagine.


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