On Our Side

I had a few Skype meetings today with some awesome people. One of them was with a good friend who is always incredibly encouraging. After talking about some struggles for a while, she reminded me of the words of a song she wrote a few years ago: God is "on our side".

We talked about how God cares about our struggles and actively fights on our behalf. He stops at nothing to win victory for us and to help us through anything that is dragging us down. He offered up His own Son to be brutally beaten so that our own wounds could be healed. We don't need to battle our demons alone, because God is with us. If God is for us, who can be against us? The Creator of the universe who mightily controls all things, that God is standing in our corner cheering us on and picking us up when we fall.

We are never too broken, too sinful, or too lost that God will not sit down with us and love us.


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