Do Not Let Me Stray

Psalm 119 is hands down my favorite psalm. I could probably talk for an hour about each verse in that psalm. Don't worry, I won't.

But I will talk about verse 10, because it reveals such a powerful truth about how our good intentions cannot compensate for our weak sinfulness.

I seek you with all my heart; Do not let me stray from your commands. - Psalm 119:10

The first part of the verse sounds like one of those passionate declarations that people make during the worship time of a church service. It's easy to love God and desire Him during times like that: you're surrounded by brothers and sisters, God's Spirit is dancing around the room enjoying the songs about Him, and the enemy is far away cowering from the power of God. In that safe Spirit-filled environment, untwisted by sin, our souls can freely make a declaration like "I seek you with all my heart", because deep down I believe there's nothing humans desire more. It's a great thing to desire and I think most people really intend to pursue it, at least in that moment.

The problem is with the rest of the week. The other six days when we're out in the spiritual battlefield and we might not be as aware of God's presence. This is when we become painfully aware of our own weakness and our inability to seek God under our own strength. Like the other half of verse 10 says, our souls scream out to God, "Do not let me stray from your commands".

Will power cannot enable us to follow God's commands. We are sinful people, living in a sinful world, surrounded by sinful influences, and being constantly lied to by a sinful spirit. We don't stand a chance on our own. Instead of using futile effort to will ourselves to be godly, we need to confess our own weakness and rely on God. Beg Him daily, if not moment-by-moment, "do not let me stray from your commands."

God loves the humble and strengthens the weak. God didn't give us weak will-power so that we would be discouraged when we fail. Our will-power is weak to keep us safe from ourselves—to prevent us from relying on our own strength, from trusting in our own opinions, and from hoping in our own ability. When we come to admit that our strength apart from God is flimsy, our opinions apart from God are tainted, and our ability apart from God is lacking, God will fill us with the power that only His Spirit can provide. He designed it this way so we'll realize we cannot be apart from God, but need Him desperately in order to live a life pleasing to Him. It is faith, not disciplined will-power, that will put a smile on God's face.

And without faith it is impossible to please God... - Hebrews 11:6


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