I'm His Son

Yesterday I had one of those experiences that seem fairly mundane at the time, only to reveal a deeper meaning after thinking about it for a while.

My dad owns a few rental properties in St. John's. He's out of town on vacation now, so he put me in charge of them. Yesterday I received a call telling me that the furnace at one of the rentals wasn't working properly. When the superintendent tried to call the company to get someone to come in and fix it, he was told that they weren't able to send a repair man because only the owner of the account (my dad) was authorized to make that request. So, I called the company myself and explained that I was the owner's son. Right away, they sent somebody in to fix the furnace.

I thought about the situation a bit afterwards. Things happened, not because of who I am, but because of who my father is. I had no authority over the account myself, but because I am the son of the owner, I am given authority.

In the same way, as a child of God we are incredibly blessed. If our earthly fathers can give us authority over earthly things, how much more can God give us spiritual authority and power! I encourage you today to take hold of the promises and blessings that God has given to you. All because you are His child.
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are!"

- 1 John 3:1


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