Bad News

My last post dealt with healing. And while I mostly intended to address spiritual healing, physical healing does take place. But not all the time. That's what I'm writing about today—the times when God doesn't answer in the ways we would like or provide the outcome we hoped for. Times when your career falls apart and there's no way to fix it. Or when a relationship ends and all chances of reconciliation goes out the window. Or when a prognosis isn't what you hoped for.

God is sovereign. He can do whatever He wants, to whomever He wants, whenever He wants. His plan is always perfect, even if we don't understand it. Sometimes He will crush all hope in one area of our lives in order to divert our attention to His plan.

In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, “This is what the Lord says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.”  - 2 Kings: 20:1

God didn't sugar coat His news for King Hezekiah. He told him flat-out "you will not recover". Sometimes we work towards a lost cause, pouring so much effort into something that just isn't meant to be. It can be heartbreaking, but God has a purpose.

Personally, I've suffered through trials like that. I've never experienced impending death as Hezekiah did, but dreams of mine have died. I was involved in a long-term relationship. Despite years of effort trying to save things, it continued to crumble. I thought the relationship could be salvaged, but eventually came to realize that it "will not recover". I could continue to agonize over it, torture myself by clinging to a false hope that somehow it will work out. But that doesn't always happen. Sometimes it's best to move on and trust that God's plan, although unseen, is better than our own.

The modern cliche "you can do anything if you put your mind to it" attitude can cause us to force our lives in a direction contrary to God's plan for us. We might be trying to become something He never created us to be. Imagine if King Hezekiah thought there was a chance he could recover. He may have spent all of the kingdom's money on searching for doctors from all over Israel and the surrounding territories. He could have exhausted all their resources on a lost cause. But God, in His mercy, gave insight into the future.

"You will not recover".

God sees beyond what we can see. He knows that death is not the end.

Hezekiah was a good guy. If you read through the two books of Kings, there were a lot of terrible rulers in Israel and Judah. A lot. But Hezekiah wasn't one of them. He sought God and served Him faithfully during His life. Yet still, he would not recover. Being a disciple of Christ doesn't give you a free pass on pain. It doesn't grant all your wishes or put you in the express lane to success. What it does give you, though, is the assurance that there is hope for peace and joy in the midst of all that. Because of Christ's resurrection, we know that nothing, not even death, can conquer God or stop Him from doing His will. And His will is to do good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28). In His time, in His way, He will do good.


Brandon said...

Great post bud. This one hit me hard. It's so difficult to let go of a dream but as you pointed out, God sees the whole picture.

Thank you for this encouragement.


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